Short code

Short Code

A short and memorable number allows incoming communication from an otherwise unknown lead. Let potential customers, users or other stakeholders contact you. Five-digit Short Codes numbers are billed at a pre-determined, advertised, and higher than normal rate. The revenue generated by using a premium rated SMS line is shared between the Short Codes owner, the mobile operator, and Oracom Web Solutions LTD.

The revenue share depends on the price band and the network. Custom campaigns can be developed to cater for specific requirements, and users can alter:

  1. The response sent
  2. If the incoming SMS should be forwarded to an inbox for viewing.

The advantages of Short Code

  1. Premium service
  2. Short & memorable
  3. Stand out from your competitors

What are Short Code Keywords?

Keywords are a powerful tool when teamed with a Short Code – it’s a unique SMS identity. Keywords are the words that your customers use to identify the product, service or request they’re interested in. e.g., SMS the word, “ORACOM” to 20030 for more information.

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